Zhenchao Xia
3 min readMar 25, 2021



We still don’t know much about the deep deep ocean…

I am afraid of the ocean. I love nature and I believe that nature should be preserved; however, I am most afraid of the ocean because it’s so fast and that there is still so much that we don’t know about it. It is such a dark place. Humans are not meant to be aquatic animals. There are so many mystical creatures and not to mention, very large mammals that have roamed the deep global sea. Like the picture, there are many ugly fish in the ocean. Some of them look extremely alien-like — I am convinced they are alien creatures.

I often tell my friends that we as humans can never conquer what is in the ocean; while we can survive ship wrecks, the ocean is so unpredictable and the aquatic animals in it have so much more advantage. We have seen with so many natural disasters that once tsunami hits the ground, it is hard for humans to escape it. We have so many examples of water-related natural disasters to support that.

Surprisingly, I do have the free diver’s license. I got it in 2019 of November. I was in a “dark” place (pun-intended) and my friend decided to invite me go diving. Without much thought, I simply just went. I went through a three day training, first day in the pool, the second day in the open oceanic water, and the third day again in the ocean to pass my exam. I passed my exam with flying colors. Now to think about it, I really got myself in this situation with the idea that I should conquer my fear of the ocean. I am not afraid of water. I can swim and I have gone to swimming lessons in the past. But the swimming pool is different from the ocean.

I may have been too exposed to all of the Hollywood shark-related movies. Regardless, if there is an ocean arena between humans and sharks, without any weapons, I don’t think humans have any chance of survival. I just really hate sharks. When I go to IKEA and see that shark plushie, I just walk away because I don’t think it’s even cute at all.

BUT I don’t think that sharks should go extinct because I am afraid of them. I believe that they rightfully belong in nature and should be preserved, especially with the environmental issues going on today — I do support sharks being left in the wild and protected by laws. I wouldn’t want to see sharks be extinct in my lifetime. That would be a very sad day because they are mystic creatures that help to balance the aquatic ecosystem. Although I am a hater, I don’t wish them dead.

Even though I have my diver’s license, I will not go back into the ocean again. To me, I have done it once, and I think that is enough. I think it is similar to the idea of bungee jumping or skydiving. That shit is scary, and having done it once, I can gladly check it off my “To Do List” or “Bucket List”.

Humans 0 — Shark 1

